Best internet in Egypt Highest speeds, biggest quota and free entertainment

Recharge Add-ons

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Recharge Add-ons

Monitor your consumption through our website or My WE App & if you consumed your basic quota, you will enjoy using unlimited internet service with throttled speed.
If you wish to upgrade once again to your original speed within the same month, you can either early renew your package anytime, or recharge any of the following add-on quotas: one time or make it auto renewal subscription every 30 days.

One time recharge & auto-renewal

Extra Quota Price
20 GB 52 EGP
50 GB 105 EGP
100 GB 170 EGP

One time recharge

Giga tank Price
400 GB 420 EGP
2,000 GB 1,625 EGP

All prices are VAT exclusive.

You can recharge your account through My WE APP, or our website, Fawry, Masary, Aman, Sadad, Momken, Khadamaty, Bee, and all WE Stores.

You can enjoy free access to educational & governmental websites (terms & conditions applies).

الموقع الرسمي لوزارة الدفاع مجلس النواب وزارة الإتصالات و تكنولوجيا المعلومات وزارة التخطيط و التنمية الإقتصادية وزارة الكهرباء و الطاقة
الهيئة العامة للإستثمار و المناطق الحرة المجلس الأعلى للجامعات وزارة الخارجية وزارة التربية و التعليم وزارة المالية
وزارة القوى العاملة و الهجرة الإدارة العامة للجوازات و الهجرة و الجنسية بوابة مصر الرقمية قطاع الأحوال المدنية وزارة الطيران المدني
وزارة الأوقاف المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية دار الإفتاء المصرية وزارة الثقافة وزارة الشباب و الرياضة
وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي المجلس القومي للطفولة و الأمومة الجهاز المركزي للتعبئة العامة و الإحصاء مركز المعلومات و دعم إتخاذ القرار وزارة الصحة و السكان
وزارة الزراعة و الإستصلاح الأراضي البوابة القانونية للتشريعات المصرية بوابة مرور مصر بوابة الضرائب المصرية مبادرة مستقبلنا رقمي منحة مجانية مقدمة من وزارة الاتصالات
بنك المعرفة المصري مركز معلومات وزارة التربية و التعليم مهارة تك موقع ملزمتي موقع نجوى

Payment flexibiliy

  • Yearly packages

    With WE SPACE yearly packages you can pay for up to 10 months only and enjoy a hassle-free experience, where you pay only once per year with discount. You will get the yearly quota as a chunk when you subscribe on WE SPACE yearly packages and you can use the quota all year long.

    Speed Yearly Quota Yearly fees
    Super speed up to 30 Mbps 3,000 GB
    4,800 GB
    7,200 GB
    12 TB
    3,960 EGP
    6,270 EGP
    8,925 EGP
    13,600 EGP
    Mega Speed up to 70 Mbps 3,000 GB
    7,200 GB
    12 TB
    5,830 EGP
    10,920 EGP
    15,600 EGP
    Ultra-Speed up to 100 Mbps 3,000 GB
    7,200 GB
    7,700 EGP
    12,915 EGP
    Max-Speed up to 200 Mbps 12 TB 17,600 EGP

    All prices are VAT exclusive.

  • Renewal & Early renewal

    Your main plan is automatically renewed every 30 days in case of having enough balance. If you consumed your main plan before your renewal date, you can early renewal your package.

  • Salefny service

    If your line is suspended due to non-payment, you can use your fixed internet line with its original speed by adding extra 5 GB for 10 EGP, with 2 days validity. In case you have insufficient balance in your account, the available amount will be deducted and the rest will be added to your next renewal as a due amount.

Entertainment Add-ons

Enjoy Jawwy TV subscription as a gift starting from Super 200GB package.


    You can enjoy watching best movies, TV shows, documentaries, kids’ programs, and more from top partners, including STARZPLAY, discovery+, Wide Khaliji, Cartoon Network, Boomerang & more. you will also watch exclusives and original productions that cannot be found anywhere else, in addition to the best free-to-air and encrypted live TV channels from regional and international networks and broadcasters. All this and more in one place, so you can easily browse and search your favorite content. You can watch as much as you want, anytime and anywhere.

    You can subscribe in Jawwy TV through JAWWY TV for only 10 EGP per month.

    • Your fixed internet line must be active.
    • Jawwy TV consumption will be deducted from the main plan quota.
    • Jawwy TV subscription will be renewed automatically every 30 days unless you requested to delete your subscription through JAWWY TV.
    • The above prices are tax exclusive.

Gaming add-ons

  • PS - PlayStation Bundle

    You can enjoy a special gaming quota for PS3,PS4 and PS5 use only, without consuming from the main plan quota.
    After consuming the ‘PS’ quota, PlayStation online usage will consume from the main plan quota with the original speed.
    After consuming the main plan quota while having PS quota, the PlayStation gaming will be used with the original speed.

    You can subscribe in one of PS add-ons:

    Quota Fees
    150 GB 75 EGP
    300 GB 150 EGP
    • The subscription fees will be deducted from your balance every 30 days or will be added to your next bill.
    • The gaming bundle add-on PS is available for subscription for all WE SPACE customers.
    • You can subscribe in PS through WE stores, our website, My WE APP or the customer care 111 or 19777.
    • The above prices are tax exclusive.
  • GAME ON - Gaming Bundle

    You can enjoy GAME ON add-on which allows you to play all your favorite games through X-box, mobile/ tablet devices and PC without consuming from the main plan. After consuming ‘GAME ON’ quota, the games will consume from the main plan quota with the original speed.
    After consuming the main plan quota while having remaining GAME ON quota, the included games only will be used with the original speed.

    The included games are: PUBG, Call of duty, Fortnite, XBOX games, Gameloft games, League of legends, Unity engine, Unreal 4 engine, War machines, War robots, Invasion modern empire, Roblox, Garena free fire & War thunder.

    You can subscribe in GAME ON:

    Quota Fees
    40 GB 30 EGP
    • The subscription fees will be deducted from your balance every 30 days or will be added to your next bill.
    • The gaming bundle add-on GAME ON is available for subscription for all WE SPACE customers.
    • You can subscribe in GAME ON through WE stores, our website, My WE APP or the customer care 111 or 19777.
    • The above price is tax exclusive.


Installment plans for PREMIUM Router

  • The installment plans for PREMIUM router is available for all WE customers through:
    2. valU App
  • NATIONAL BANK OF EGYPT & BANQUE MISR card holders can choose the 6 or 12 months installment plan with no interest.
  • Installments through valU App is available up to 60 months with no down payments.
  • You are eligible to have the router through the installment plan only once per fixed internet line.
  • The installments plans are available only through WE stores & you can call 111 or 01555000111 to know the nearest store that avail the installment service.

If you have a FTTH line, it’s the Fiber to the home technology please click here for subscription and installation steps.